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Edu Center is a non-profit organization, registered in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia in 2019, which is financed through project funding, international project partnership and collaboration and donations. Although a relatively young association, our team consists of experts with many years of experience in various fields as education and training, IT specialists, economists and project managers.

Our main goal is to promote, encourage and support the sustainable development of individuals and communities in educational approaches by using all type of innovations, formal, non-formal and informal methods.

Education and training
IT and innovation
Career development
Social entrepreneurship
Project and Program Management


CultArt Multiplier event in Skopje

The final multiplier events in The Republic of North Macedonia took place on November 15th in Public room. Multiplier event on which the hosting organisation was Edu Center gathered local beneficiaries and associated... READ MORE

CultArt in the News

“Време е да започнем да инвестираме в нови умове и нови кадри. Тези, които ще правят събития в бъдеще” – това си казват хората зад успешно реализираната инициатива Европейска столица на култура Пловдив 2019. Тя... READ MORE

Festivals Programme | Day 5

#sharefestemotions Day 5 | Home Run 16 | 07 | 2023 at Градска Художествена Галерия – Пловдив City Gallery of Fine Arts – Plovdiv  5 all-out days to contemplate how to attract international audiences for... READ MORE

Festivals Programme | Day 3 & 4

#sharefestemotions Day 3 Orienteering 14 | 07| 2023  The group received a 5×5 crucial approach for event management, given by the expert Gina Kafedjian and a course of action by the director of the... READ MORE